Server Rules
1- Racism / Disrespect for any religion is forbidden.
2- Sexually explicit expressions are forbidden.
3- No discussions about politics, conflicting nations/groups or religion topics in global chat, general chat or any other public means. This is not the place for such discussions.
4- Any kind of insult towards any staff members or the server is forbidden.
5- Sharing any false information about the server, advertising, etc. is forbidden.
6- Promotion, mention or asking of other servers is forbidden.
7- The use or promotion of bots is forbidden.
8- The use or promotion of automation tools such as keypresser / autoclicker / macro is forbidden.
9- Abusing any bugs and not reporting them to the management team is forbidden.
10- The use or promotion of cheat tools such as debug tools, cheat engine or any attempt to edit the game files or game memory is forbidden.
11- Job abuse – use spy characters at teleports/bridges or picking Own / Guild / Union goods with opposite job is forbidden.
12- Event abuse - being AFK (Away From Keyboard), Resusing to join party, 1 player operetin more then 1 char in events is not allowed.
13- Buying/Selling items/gold/silks for real money is forbidden.
14- Buying/Selling game accounts is forbidden.
15- You are responsible for your account security. We do not interfere in such stuff.
16- Shared accounts wont be supported in case of any data lose.
17- Invalid names: Offensive, Racist, promoting another server, or illegal program, or staff impersonating names.
18- Any other behavior that is considered inappropriate by Game Masters could also lead to account ban.
19- Game Masters have the last word. It is their decision to judge and apply restrictions in the game according to the game according to the rules written here and their judgement.